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During the installation on Windows and Mac systems, security alerts may be displayed due to the absence of an EV code signing certificate for the FastTrack executable. These alerts can be safely ignored. To verify the FastTrack executable, you can easily and freely compare the MD5 checksum. For more detailed instructions, you can refer to the installation video.


Stable versions of FastTrack are released for Linux (official AppImage, official AUR for ArchLinux, community Fedora package), Mac (as dmg), and Windows (installer, portable folder).


  1. For Windows:
  2. For Linux (all distributions) as AppImage:
    • Download the AppImage file FastTrack-x86_64.AppImage.
    • Allow FastTrack.AppImage to be executed:
      • Right-click on the AppImage file.
      • Click on Properties.
      • Click on Permissions.
      • Tick “Allow executing file as program”.
    • Check the AppImage Launcher to integrate AppImage into the system.
  3. For Linux natively:
    • Fedora: sudo dnf install fasttrack fasttrack-cli
    • Arch Linux: yay -S fasttrack fasttrack-cli
    • From source : qmake src/ ; make ; sudo make install ; qmake src/ ; make ; sudo make install
  4. For Mac (.app):
    • Minimal version required based on Qt6 minimal version required.
    • Download the FastTrack dmg FastTrack.dmg.
    • Double click on the dmg file.
    • Drag the application from the dmg window into the Applications folder.
  5. For Mac (brew):
    • Install
    • brew tap fasttrackorg/fasttrack
    • brew install fasttrack
    • FastTrack-cli can be located at /usr/local/bin/FastTrack-Cli and directly used and FastTrack opened using open /usr/local/Cellar/fasttrack/6.3.1_1/bin/

macOS Troubleshooting for FastTrack Installation

Follow these troubleshooting steps to ensure a seamless installation and optimal operation of FastTrack on macOS:

Application Authorization

  • Unsigned Application Warning: If you encounter a message stating that "FastTrack" is damaged and can't be opened, it's because the application is not signed and will not be signed ever.

    • Solution:

      1. Open the Terminal application.

      2. Run the following command to remove the quarantine attribute:

        • For macOS 15 or higher:

          xattr -d /Applications/
        • For macOS 14 or lower:

          xattr -dr /Applications/
      3. Navigate to System Settings > Privacy and Security > Accessibility.

      4. If FastTrack is listed, ensure it is enabled.

      5. If you see an entry named fasttrack (without the capital 'F'), enable it as well. If not present:

        • Open Finder and go to /Applications/

        • Drag and drop the fasttrack binary into the Accessibility settings window.

        • Ensure both FastTrack and fasttrack are enabled.


FastTrack will display a message at the start-up and in the status bar when a new release is available.

  1. For Windows:
    Search the FastTrackUpdater in the Windows Start Menu or execute the MaintenanceTool.exe in the installation folder directly and follow the provided instructions.

  2. For Linux:
    The FastTrack AppImage does not currently support the automatic update. Replace the current AppImage with the latest AppImage released.

  3. For Mac:

    • The FastTrack App does not currently support the automatic update. Replace the current App with the latest App released.
    • The brew package support upgrade using brew upgrade.